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Station Mall Manager Maureen Webb joined Station Mall Field School teacher Pat Sanderson at the Board Meeting in April to recognize the twenty year partnership between Station Mall and ADSB. Melody Neveau with her teacher Mrs. Morano were also on hand. Melody shared the positive experiences she’s been enjoying while working at the FJ Davey Home Field School.

Field Schools

Station Mall

Algoma District School Board has partnered with the Canadian Bushplane Heritage Centre (CBHC) to provide a Field School Program on-site at the Centre.  The CBHC has donated classroom space and access to the facility and students have enjoyed on-site training opportunities.  Students have taken part in custodial duties, small engine repair and maintenance, upkeep of artifact displays and have had customer service opportunities in the gift shop.  The focus for this term will be on setting up and operating a small, student-run café for CBHC employees and members of the visiting public.


There are 12 students enrolled in the program for this term.  White Pines is the home school for these students who are in the Work Readiness Program which supports students to prepare them for the world of work. 


A highlight in March included a visit to the Field School from Premier Kathleen Wynne, Minister of Education Liz Sandals and the Premier’s newly sworn in cabinet members. 

Canadian Bushplane Heritage Centre

(L-R) Maureen Webb, Pat Sanderson, Kristie Morano, and Melody Neveau 

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